Movement Patterns Introduction


How the balanced player on The T reacts to the opponent's shot depends on how early the player identifies which direction the ball is going.

When the player knows the direction of the ball the player Steps with either foot in that direction.

The Step is defined as: When the player knows the direction of the ball prior to the opponent hitting the ball the player steps with either foot in that direction.

When the player does not know the direction of the ball the player Jump Steps in that direction. However, during The Jump Step if the player does not identify the direction the player will just step in the correct direction.

The Jump Step is defined as: When the player does not know the direction of the ball the player just prior to the opponent hitting the ball jumps and on identifying the direction before landing reacts with a change of direction (if required) of the feet on landing with either foot (subject to the desired direction) pushes off in that direction.


The player may also over anticipate and Step. (Over anticipating is defined as: When the player does not know the direction and Steps or Jump Steps in the anticipated (wrong) direction of the ball. 

The Lateral Jump Step is defined as: When the player reacts with a Jump Step in a lateral direction.

When the opponent drives the player should endeavour to react with the Lateral Jump Step.

The Lateral Jump Step encourages the player to take the ball early from The Attacking Zone.

The Forward Jump Step is defined as: When the player reacts with a Jump Step in a forward direction.

The Forward Jump Step allows the player to move forward to retrieve the ball.
Furthermore, it may also encourage the player to take the ball early.

The Backward Jump Step is defined as: When the player reacts with a Jump Step in a backward direction.

This discourages the player to take the ball early from The Attacking Zone.



 Visit: Generic Movement Patterns.


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