Attacking Zone - A2-B

The Attacking Back Zone - A2-B

The player must zone the court into the Attacking Back Zone.

The A2-B Zone is Attacking not because of it's proximity in relation to The T. 

 A perspective of the A2-B Zone in relation to the A1 Zone. 

The videos below do focus on the correct T positioning. However, the player may not attain the correct position.

The Zone is Attacking because the player is not blind to the opponent and because the player is balanced. 

The player may not see the opponent in the peripheral vision but knows the opponent is poorly positioned in The T Area. Thus, the player is deemed to be not blind to the opponent.



Examination of the Attacking Back Zone

When the player is in the Attacking Back Zone and the player is not blind to the opponent the player should play an attacking straight drive.  

When the player is in the Attacking Back Zone and the player is not blind to the opponent the player should play an attacking straight drive. Occasionally, the player will not see the opponent in the peripheral vision but knows the opponent is poorly positioned in The T Area.

The player must be balanced which includes the swing not being restricted by the back wall.

The player is not balanced

When the player is in the Attacking Back Zone and the player is not balanced the player should play a high slow straight lob.

Diagram coming.....

Also, the player may feel off balance if the swing is restricted by the back wall.

When the player is in the Attacking Back Zone and the player is not balanced the player should play a high slow straight lob.

When the player's swing is restricted by the back wall the player is deemed to be not balanced and the player should play a high slow straight lob. The player only requires reasonable quality to prevent an error and attain The Back Of The T.

When the player is in the Attacking Back Zone and can see the opponent shadowing in front the player should play an attacking boast. For example, the player can see the opponent shadowing and plays a boast.

When the player is in the Attacking Back Zone and can see the opponent shadowing in front the player should play an attacking boast. 


Copyright South Australia Squash Academy Michael Nash All Rights Reserved