Solo Feeds Specific to My Strategy



Solo routines are specific to My Strategy.

When the player is learning My Strategy it is critical the player practises solo. Furthermore, the player should use the method of ghosting. That is, the player does not use a ball. However, unlike when learning technique, the player can introduce the ball much earlier.

The only time the player does not revisit the tactical aspects is during the holiday break.

Implementation of My Strategy.

The player must before hitting the ball:
Identify what zone the player is in.
Identify whether the player can see the opponent (blind or not blind). Furthermore, if the player (in Defensive Zones) is blind to the opponent, the player assumes the opponent is in The T Area.
Identify whether the player is balanced (if in the A1, D3 and D4 Zones).
These components must be identified sequentially before selecting what shot to play.

This is referred to as conscious squash. When learning..... the use of Visualisation is essential. Furthermore, the player when anxious uses Centering to assist with focusing and Mental Rehearsal 

The player positions in either the D1 or D2 Zone.

For example, the player positions in the D2 Zone and with the assistance of visualisation says  "I am in the D2 Zone I am blind to my opponent, I will hit the ball high and slow".

The player visualising straight lobbing or cross court lobbing.


The Player positions in the A1 Zone

For example, the player positions in the A1 Zone on the Backhand and with the assistance of visualisation says  "I am in the A1 zone, I am blind to my opponent, and I feel balanced. I will play a straight drop".

The player visualising straight dropping



For example, again the player positions on the Backhand side and with the assistance of visualisations says "I am in the A1 zone, I can see my opponent, and I feel balanced. I will play a straight drive".  

The player visualising straight driving.


For example, again the player positions on the Backhand side and with the assistance of visualisations says "I am in the A1 zone, I can see my opponent shadowing, and I feel balanced. I will play a boast".

The player visualising boasting.

For example, again the player positions on the Backhand side and with the assistance of visualisations says "I am in the A1 zone, I can see my opponent shadowing, and I feel balanced. I will play a cross court drop".

The player visualising cross court dropping.


The player positions in either the D3 or D4 Zone.

For example, the player positions in the D4 Zone and with the assistance of visualisation says "I am in the D4 Zone I am blind to my opponent, I will hit the ball high and slow".

The player visualising straight lobbing or cross court lobbing.


The player positions in the D3 Zone

For example, the player positions in the D3 Zone and with the assistance of visualisation says "I am in the D3 Zone I am blind to my opponent, and I feel balanced, I will straight drop".

The player visualising straight dropping.

The player positions in the D4 Zone

For example, the player positions in the D4 Zone and with the assistance of visualisation says "I am in the D4 Zone I am blind to my opponent, and I feel balanced, I will play a straight drop".

The player visualising straight dropping.


Once the player is familiar with the implementation of the strategy in the various zones the player can introduce The Matchplay Solo Ghosting Routine.

Furthermore, the player must be familiar with “My Swing” techniques which are specific to them before introducing the matchplay routine.



Copyright South Australia Squash Academy Michael Nash All Rights Reserved